Unlike the music we have now, classical music is so different and diverse! Classical music is not very popular, especially among the young. Classical music is an art music bloomed in the traditions of Western culture, including both liturgical and secular music. You might have heard of Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Tchaikovsky or even Chopin! These were the greatest classical composers of all time. Each and every one of them, in different periods, produced different types, styles and sounds of music, leaving a great legacy behind.
‘I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame, I simply follow my own feelings’ – W.A Mozart
Classical music can be described as a rainbow, the colors signify it’s diversity, range and emotions; from the Baroque era, to the Classical era, followed by the Romantic era and thus the Modernist era. ( Actually, Baroque and Modern aren’t classified as classical music, but they can still be admired). Classical music is also portrayed as instrumental music. Classical pieces often show complexity in their use of texture, intonation, phrasing, and music development. The instruments of classical music can be divided into 4 families: strings, woodwind, percussion and brass. Each family plays a significant role in playing – whether in the melody, accompaniment; building dynamics, covering different pitches like soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
Example of an orchestra – an ensemble of musical instruments.
To answer the question myself, yes, I would say that classical music is still needed in this world! Classical music helps us to align and reposition ourselves to admire the beauty and diversity of classical music, taking enjoyment and fulfillment of the legacy left behind by talented composers. Classical music are often labelled as “boring” or “not interesting”, and thus it is said to be “dying and fading away”, that is a sad occurrence! Classical music also connects us with the greatest composers of all time, granting intimacy with them through the melody, distribution, emotions and pictures of their music. The emotions aren’t expressed in lyrics or words, they are expressed through the tone of music, how wonderful!
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” -Aldous Huxley:
Classical music isn’t just a combination of chords that sound well together, it is designed delicately and carefully, each movement and phrase having a pattern of its own. Classical music also brings peace and relief to the soul, beneficial to the brain and allowing us to think differently and feel differently. From operas, sonatas, symphonies, concertos, fantasies. preludes, to ballets, quartets, mazurkas, fantasies and caprices; each carries their own outline, represented by its own word. Classical isn’t only for the forks or the elderly, it can be admired by all! Classical music is designed with such majesty and wonder- the world would be a dull place WITHOUT IT.
Classical music brings healing to our souls, expresses the indescribable, in my words I would say – music sent down from heaven, as if it’s being sung by angels of music. Undeniably, classical music contributes to the development of this world, and it still plays a vivid role! It is part of history, part of our world, and as well part of our future. I have played classical music for over 9 years, until today, I still find myself being star struck and in awe of it, there wasn’t a moment where I found it too repetitive or dull.
Classical music needs to be heard. Soak in it, submerge yourself in it and you will find relaxation and peace. Why don’t you start listening to it today and get carried away back in the times?
Here are some examples of classical music: (Admin’s favs)
- Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
- Caprice 24 by Paganini
- Spring by Vivaldi
- Fantaisie Impromptu by Chopin
- Liebestraum by Liszt