What If The Purge Was Real

The PURGE is a movie that take place in a near-future America where one night a year, laws are suspended, and virtually all crimes are legal. Supposedly, the idea is that citizens “purge” their most antisocial and aggressive tendencies, which results in a more satisfied, mentally healthy population.

What if it were real, this one night out of the year which all crimes including murder was legal.

Would you hide or would you seek? Would you be prepared to make it through?

I’d probably just play dead. Lying down by the roadside for 12 hours until the end of the purge. But, no! That would be too boring.

Don’t waste your one night of punishment-free crime on killing people. Be smart! If you play it right, you could be living the high life the other 364 days of the year. Why does everyone only focus on murder? There are so many moneymaking opportunities during the purge. So, I would steal an armored car and Rob a bank. And walk out from the bank with billion of dollars and live like a billionaire after the Purge. Ok, maybe I will need to kill the securities if they block me.   

Time to get back to the reality and finger cross that the purge will never happen.



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