The Joy Of Having Less

Why do people have so much stuff? From getting gifts from other people to buying necessities and non-necessities. Stuff just piles up over time. I hate seeing loads of stuff. I get frustrated and stressed when I walk into a space that is full of things. It annoys me more when they are not properly organized or messy.

Am I a minimalist? I think I am still far from being a minimalist. To be a minimalist you must live with less than 100 things, you can’t own a car or a home or a television, you can’t have a career, you must live in exotic hard-to-pronounce places all over the world. OK, I am joking—obviously. But people who dismiss minimalism as some sort of fad usually mention any of the above “restrictions” as to why they could never be a minimalist. I can’t tell am I a minimalist, but I think I am practicing minimalism in a way.

Minimalism is owning fewer possession. Our life naturally gets filled with clutter: possessions that we ordered online pour in week by week, we take on more and more.

By reducing to less, you learn to become content with little. You can find joy in the simple things

I enjoy getting rid of stuff, it is my way of release stress.  I feel relief every time I reorganize my closet or kitchen or storeroom and throwing stuff away help me release stress. I don’t throw usable things away, I give away.  I feel fresh. I enjoy space. It’s not just finding joy in the things that matter. It’s also finding joy in having some breathing room. Having some space.

Especially now with the enforcement of MCO, by staying at home you will be realizing there is a lot of things that you own are not necessities. You do not need them to live. Being locked down and having to live a more frugal life has made many of us think about what is important. 

Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.



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